Tillandsia koehresiana
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Tillandsia koehresiana
Peter Tristram 06/17
Andrew Flower 06/17
Peter Tristram ... "I am sure this is T. koehresiana. It was labelled T. caulescens Silver for some strange reason! As you can see, there are a couple of branches that opened up much more. Unfortunately it has finished blooming now so I missed the chance for multiple flower photos. I put some erici pollen onto it so it’ll be interesting to see if it develops any pods.
I wonder if Len saw it on his travels in Bolivia?"
Andrew Flower ... "Here are some pics of one that came from Tropiflora in 1994 labelled "Tillandsia koehresiana, Bolivia." I suspect this is is one Dennis collected on his Bolivia trip when he was with Lydia? Incidentally the clump you see growing above the T. koehresiana is T. Lotteae."
Peter Tristram ... "It looks very similar. Mine came from Lydia so it’s got to be right! It’s not far off lorentziana, cardenasii and a few others so I wonder what grows in the area? I’ll be checking out some of my other lorentziana-like species when they bloom too as many were T. spec. I got some lotteae from Dennis in 1996 when I went to the World Conf in Orlando and bloomed the first one in 2015! Slow! Have you bloomed any yet?"

Updated 29/06/17